What is SGEMKO ?
SGEMKO (Swiss Society for the European Convention on Human Rights) is a private non-profit organisation (NGO / NPO) spreading information in German language about the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom (ECHR). SGEMKO is working in Switzerland only. It has been founded on September 1st, 1977.
Who may become a supporting member ?
Every competent adult person may become a supporting member of SGEMKO. At present, the annual contribution is set at a minimum of Swiss Francs (CHF) 27.50. Supporting members are free to end their membership at any moment, and they may therefore never be forced to pay a contribution.
How does SGEMKO inform about the ECHR ?
Since May 1981, SGEMKO is publishing the quarterly "Mensch + Recht" (in German language), which is sent without any additional fee to all supporting members. It contains articles about recent developments in Human Rights, Human Rights politics and judiciary decisions on Human Rights.
SGEMKO also provides specialised information on an individual basis, when requested.